External Penetration Test

Attack Surface Testing

InvokeSec’s External Penetration Test provides comprehensive insights into your attack surface and identifies potentially dangerous vulnerabilities that could leave your network open to attacks. Our approach goes beyond the standard “check the box” methodology to ensure that your security is robust enough to keep attackers out.

Cyber security technology and online data protection in innovative perception . Concept of technology for security of data storage used by global business network server to secure cyber information . Elements of this image furnished by NASA (https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/73000/73776/world.topo.bathy.200408.3x5400x2700.jpg)

Don’t Just Check the Box

InvokeSec’s External Penetration Testing team merges established methodologies, robust technology, and extensive testing experience to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your external security risks. Starting with in-depth reconnaissance, our highly skilled experts use both automated and manual discovery methods, such as gathering open-source intelligence and analyzing assets impacted by emerging threats, to offer a vivid picture of what an attacker can see across your perimeter. By applying the most recent TTPs and attacker creativity, targeted assets undergo exposure identification processes found in real-world attack situations. This approach ensures that the entire range of vulnerabilities and defense gaps are revealed, along with their severity, likelihood of exploitation, and potential impact.

Elevating perimeter testing, we enable you to customize engagements to address concerning scenarios and expand assessment to assets beyond the scope of traditional testing, like cloud infrastructure and publicly accessible web applications. Moreover, you can opt to conduct post-exploitation activities that shed light on internal pathways, systems, and data at risk, giving you insight into the depth of potential breaches.

Lastly, we equip your security team with practical deliverables, including detailed walkthroughs of findings, impact and severity assessments, and targeted remediation guidance that positions your security team to proactively defend and minimize risk.

An Ounce of Prevention

Thorough Attack Reconnaissance

Mimic the data collection methods employed by proficient attackers, including active scanning, exploration of open and closed databases, accumulation of business, host, victim, and network information, interrogation of available servers and services, inspection of cloud infrastructure, DNS reconnaissance, and other real-world attacker techniques.

Focus on Emerging Threats

We consider recency bias by prioritizing the detection of assets vulnerable to high-profile “zero-day” vulnerabilities that make headlines. Additionally, we provide analysis on the probability of exploitation based on numerous environmental factors to provide you with more than just a CVSS score.

Top Tier Discovery Technology

At InvokeSec, we utilize open-source, commercial, and custom developed technology that enables network discovery, enumeration, and vulnerability scanning on a large scale. Furthermore, we categorize the magnitude of security weaknesses according to their ability to affect confidential information, essential infrastructure, and internal resources in the aftermath of exploitation endeavors.

Assess Real-World Risk

Our methodology based on real-world attacks and threats helps provide a practical assessment of your organization’s risk from an external perspective, offering actionable insights and recommendations that could improve your security posture.

What You Can Expect

Real-world Testing Provides Valuable Insight into Control Effectiveness

Comprehensive Attack Surface Analysis

Attackers are opportunistic and have numerous ways to breach your defenses. We’ll identify the assets most vulnerable to attack.

Unmatched Penetration Testing Expertise

Evaluating Defensive Measures

Understanding your attack surface is just the beginning. We’ll uncover the at-risk assets that skilled adversaries are most likely to target.

Assess Your Applications Against Real-World Threats

Detection of Emerging Threats

Both attackers and executives share an interest in high-profile threats. We’ll assess if your perimeter assets are at risk.

Your Prod is Our Dev

Customized Engagement Approach

Each perimeter is unique. We tailor our testing to meet your organization’s specific needs and characteristics.

Powered by CourseOps

Continuous Skill Development

The CourseOps platform encourages continuous skill development through quality reporting and progress tracking, ensuring your security team remains agile and adept at handling ever evolving cyberthreats.

Expert Instructors and Support

Empowering Proactive Defense

Testing is ineffective without the ability to take action. We’ll equip your team with the necessary tools and knowledge to keep attackers at bay.

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